Our 5th graders are moving on to Middle School! Lots of fun things happening the last few weeks of school:

  • May 18th Band/Orchestra Pizza Tour 8:30-12:30 (start/end at Paxson)
  • May 24th, 1-2pm 5th grade visits Washington Middle School
  • June 2nd- Paxson Field Day (volunteer opportunity, ask Ms. Tirrell!)
  • June 7th Leave No Weeds at Mount Jumbo field trip 11:30-3:00 (looking for parent volunteers, ask Mrs. Grant)
  • June 8th, 6-9pm a 5th grade parent is organizing a end of year 5th grade party at the Fairgrounds and would love some help with music, pizza, lawn games etc.   Reach out to Em here: emilybrockgibsonATgmail.com
  • June 9th: CONGRATULATIONS to our 5th graders!  Last day of school: 5th grade promotion at school (details to come) and Early Dismissal.  We are hoping to all meet at Bonner Park and celebrate the kids’ last day (details to come).